How much you pay for your next flight to Amman, or anywhere else in the world, will depend on pre-planning your flight and booking with the most reliable travel website. CheapFaresNow can help you to be creative with your planning and find inexpensive ways to enjoy your trip. Let’s start with our Guaranteed Lowest Fare. Before you you’re your flight, we show you all the available fares and prices, based on the destination and dates you’ve provided on the website. We use our contract with many carriers and multiple Global Distribution Systems, in addition to ticket consolidators and our experienced agents, to fine the lowest fare available online. If you find a lower fare within 24 hours, we refund you the difference. We can also help you book the perfect hotel and arrange for your ground transportation too, all on the same website. If you need information about guided tours, passport requirement, or even the weather forecast, we can help with that too. We want to be you one-stop travel shop, and we have 24 hour customer support to help you with any questions.

Amman is the capital of Jordan, with a population of more than 2.5 million, and it is the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world. No visit could be complete without taking some time to explore these ancient roots. Look for the Roman Theatre, the Temple of Hercules and The Citadel, all in close proximity. If you plan to take a tour around Amman, we suggest that you avoid the months between October and March if possible, when the weather is cold and wet. For the rest of the year, tourists can enjoy the pleasant warmth of the sun in Amman. Let find you the cheapest flights today, and start packing!

Terms & Conditions

  • Fares include all fuel surcharges, ad valorem tax & other taxes & fees.
  • Tickets are non refundable, non transferable and non assignable.
  • Name changes are not permitted
  • Fares are subject to change without notice.
  • Fares subject to availability.
  • Lowest fares may require an advance purchase of up to 21 days.
  • Certain Blackout dates may apply.