If you are planning a trip to Zhengzhou, (formerly known as Zhengxian), you will be glad to know that CheapFaresNow.com can offer you all the information you require to ease the planning process. Sourcing information from multiple global distribution systems (GDS), CheapFaresNow.com provides you with a wider range of choices compared to other travel sites that get information from only a single GDS. You therefore do not have to search through various websites for travel information on Zhengzhou, China. You can get all you need at CheapFaresNow.com. We even offer the most information you can find online about the cheapest flights to Zhengzhou, Asia.

Zhengzhou is the capital city of the Henan Province in the People’s Republic of China. It is one of the major industrial cities of the country. The biggest industry in Zhengzhou is the textile industry. The city is also known for the manufacture of locomotives, fertilizer, tractors, electrical equipment, processed meat, fertilizer and agricultural machinery.

Zhengzhou is not considered amongst the major tourist destinations within the People’s Republic of China. The city, however, is home to various attractions that provide visitors with a vivid experience of Chinese culture and history. Zhengzhou is the home of the Shaolin temple that was the center of Chinese kung-fu in the ancient times. It was built in 495 as a home for the renowned Indian monk Batuo, who was later known as Fo Tuo (Grand Monk).

You can visit the Henan Museum in Zhengzhou, Asia. Other attractions in the city include Dong Wu Yuan Zoo, the Erqi Memorial Tower, the Shang Dynasty Ruins and the light, music and water shows in Zheng Dong Xin Qu.

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  • Lowest fares may require an advance purchase of up to 21 days.
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